Samsung Unveil Milk Music Service For Samsung Device Owners


Free music service is coming on phones of Samsung with name of Milk Music service. Over 200 stations and 13 million songs are included by the South Korean gadget maker in this service. The app can be greatly customizable and is easy to use as well. But the service has made public at a time when there are many streaming music services like Spotify, Apple Inc.’s iTunes Radio and Pandora.

The company’s app will only be available at Samsung’s Galaxy line of phones and it can be downloaded from Google Play and no marketing activity is included in the app yet.

Yesterday, Samsung unveiled that the company has officially trying its luck in field of the music streaming market with a brand new app called Milk Music available on Google Play. According to Samsung, no advertisement will be heard by users on Milk Music though on any given station, users are still restricted to six skips an hour.

A large dial is the main feature of Milk that prevails on the home screen although users are free to select their own station based on a favourite song or artist. Nine genres are included in the dial and after selection of a genre; user can fine-tune their station to add new music, popular music or music which remained favourite long-ago. The dial can also be personalized by the user to add only the genre that user plan on listening to. The app also features a “Spotlight” section made by music tastemakers and influencers if user can’t be concerned to deal with genre stations.

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