Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) Watch/iPhone 6/Apple pay – Is the Thrill Gone?


It must have skipped Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)’snotice that their product launch that was to take place in four years was falling in the same week when America is getting re-involved in a fray with the middle east and the national foot ball league (in the Ray Rice collapse), leading towards the biggest blow on itself after failing to cancel the games following the murder of President Kennedy. It brings back to memory the time when Sarah Palin flared up on the national political site and Demoratical presidential candidate Barack Obama had to announce on The Tonight Show that he was famous.

There is no need to empathize with Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)however; its last year’s stock rate has increased about 50% at a time when it’s hard to get people enthusiastic about anything at all. As ridiculous as it seems thousands of people in New York and other places came early and waited in line to buy the new iPhone 6. It is speculated that the new product launches will gather billions of dollars this week.

Is it possible that lately the smart phone has been unable to attract attention and stir excitement on its own?

Anybody who would remember Amazon Fire Phone would remember that the biggest news about it was the decrease in price from $199 to 99 cents. And on the other hand are Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)whose products were awaited by so many and the biggest deal about iPhone6 and iPhone6 plus is the bigger size. It would have been better if they had introduced a better battery instead. An exciting new method as editing a picture and posting it on social media sites would have been something people would boast about but bigger phone is not something that would excite many. And the Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)watch just seems to be a way to distract people.

Mostly people’s instant reaction to Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)watch is excitement, but come to think of it even with the great look and different face options does it amaze us the way iPhone, iPad or Ipod did? Many experts believe that there’s a bigger future awaiting us in terms of wearable and technology because mere internet access does not making a device special anymore. Talking about the calorie and weight count…that too isn’t a novelty.

Mobile payments no doubt have bright future but Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) announcement seems more of a tact to lure people to use installed apps rather than a technological revolution.

In a nut-shell Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) used to be a blend of innovation and technology but this launch was not at par with that. Maybe in future Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) will be able to come up with innovative ideas for the watch and Apple Pay facilities but as of now these things failed to impress.

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) opening value in today’s session was $101.21 where as its previous closing value was $41.26. The stock’s 52 range has been between 28.80 and 42.77.

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