Macy’s Inc (NYSE:M) take brilliant initiatives to please customers


With the rapid growth in the global market and enhanced customer awareness, retailers all over the world are becoming quite competitive in their approach to gather more customers. Nowadays, people don’t like to spend a lot of time on making decisions about their purchases; therefore the retailers have to be smart. Macy’s Inc (NYSE:M) is one of the forerunners in ensuring customer satisfaction by keeping themselves up to date in terms of latest technology and trends in the market.

Macy’s Inc (NYSE:M) have taken several initiatives to please their customers and make their shopping experience a great one. The company has been quite enthusiastic about introducing Apple Pay as the new mobile payment method to ensure a secure and quick online payment method, which promises to provide more convenience to their customers. Apple Pay offers several security features, such as substitute account number – a feature that ensures added privacy features.

Staying several steps ahead of its competitors, Macy’s Inc (NYSE:M) has announced same day delivery services to the customers. The new service ‘Deliv’ will be active in eight major cities within the USA, which include Chicago, Houston, L.A, and San Francisco, to name a few.

Another new feature that has been initiated is the line image search. This feature will be  a blissful experience for the shoppers; it will allow them to post images of items that they want and retrieve results with similar items available at Macy’s Inc (NYSE:M). This feature is expected to draw a very enthusiastic response from the new shoppers and regulars at Macy’s Inc (NYSE:M).

In addition, Shopkick will be a new friend to the shoppers; it will make sure that customers are made aware of all current offers and discounts. This takes Macy’s Inc (NYSE:M) several steps ahead of its competitors in terms giving a satisfied customer experience.

Jeff Gennette, the new President of Macy’s Inc (NYSE:M) is hoping to make the company the most desired shopping place. The people at Macy’s Inc (NYSE:M) are putting in their maximum efforts to see Macy’s Inc (NYSE:M) stand at the top.

E-commerce is fast becoming a very competitive market. In order to become a top of the line retailer, it is essential to ensure that not only the company gets more customers, but it also meets its profit targets. It is refreshing to see that Macy’s Inc (NYSE:M) are able to achieve both.

Macy’s Inc (NYSE:M) is clearly aware of the fact that consumers lack time to stand in long lines at the cash counter. People want to shop without having to visit the store itself. Macy’s Inc (NYSE:M) willingness to embrace new technological advancements is also an indicator that retailers are quite open to the new technological trends. Gone are the days of shopping with hard cash or cards; it is time for smart payment methods such as Apple Pay.

In today’s fast paced environment, when time is of the essence; it is very important for retailers to understand and implement the concept of shopping with ease. This draws more customers and brings in added profits. Macy’s Inc (NYSE:M) is definitely leading the way in terms of providing innovative shopping experience to its customers.

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