Facebook Inc. (NASDAQ:FB) gets a better position in Web Properties Top 50 list


In the latest top 50 U.S. web properties listings released for the month of August by comScore, the digital media research firm; Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG) retains its position at the top. According to the latest web browsing statistics, comScore reported that a total of 248 million unique users visited the site. Hence, the number of users who visited the site in August exceeds two-thirds of the total U.S. population. In addition to this, what is more encouraging for Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG) is the fact that the number of new users, using Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG), has increased by 21 million since July.

Here is a comparative review of the top contenders in the list, which also states the statistical data changes in the months of July and August.

Google websites, inclusive of YouTube brought more than 233 million unique visitors and topped the list. Yahoo Inc (NASDAQ: YHOO) followed closely to take the second position on the list, boasting more than 217 million visitors. The top two position trends have been similar in July and August, however, the rest of the top five have had a slight change in their rankings. Desktop and mobile properties have also made an appearance into the comScore count.

Although Microsoft Corp. (NASDAQ: MSFT) received 35 million more hits than last month, it couldn’t maintain its position at third place on the list and went down to fifth position with a total of 179 million users. This has shifted AOL Inc. (NYSE: AOL) to the fourth place on the list, where the increase in number of visits was from 104 million in July to 181 million in August was observed. Facebook Inc. (NASDAQ: FB), with a total of 207 million visitors in August, up from its last month’s count of 144 million users is at third place.

In advertising the list of top 10 properties goes as follows. AddThis tops the list with 97.7% reach and claimed the position of being number one in line. Second in line is Google Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOGL) with 81.2% reach, followed by ShareThis at number 3 and Outbrain being the 4th in line. On 5th position is Yahoo with 73.8% reach, Facebook Inc. (NASDAQ:FB) stood 6th with 63% reach and YouTube being 7th with 54.6% reach. AOL, Microsoft’s bing and Amazon.com (NYSE:AMZN) completes the list by claiming the 8th, 9th and 10th positions with 48.9%, 38.1% and 37.7% reach respectively.

In terms of advertising reach, AddThis, with 97.7% is at the top of the list. Google takes second place with a total of 81.2% reach and is closely followed by ShareThis and Outbrain which are ranked at third and fourth positions respectively. Yahoo and facebook take the next two positions with a reach of 73.8% and 63%. The last three positions are bagged by AOL, Microsoft’s Bing and Amazon.com (NYSE:AMZN) with individual reach percentage of 54.6%, 38.1% and 37.7%.

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (NYSE:WMT) claimed the top position among the non-tech, non-media entities. The number of visitors more than doubled from July’s 34 million to August’s 72 million. NFL Internet Group, a new competitor in the list, bagged nearly 50 million unique users in August and was placed at 48th position. Tradition retailer Target Corp. (NYSR: TGT) took the 49th place by attracting just under 50 million visitors. Townsquare Media Inc. (NYSE: TSQ) claimed the last spot on the list with a total of 49.45 million unique visitors.

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