The Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) – EU war


Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL), the biggest name in search engines, enjoys a monopoly among the European market as well as the rest of the world. But Ever since the European Union has gone anti-monopoly, Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) has been on top of its hit list. The point isn’t whether Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) has monopoly or not but problems should only arise if Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) uses its practices to harness some consumers and harm others. But no proof has come up yet that portrays Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) as being biased.

But that still hasn’t stopped the EU from putting Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) under investigation for the last four years. EU, last week has threatened Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) to come to a settlement or a formal investigation would be launched that could result in a fine worth 6 billion dollars, which sums up to be 10 percent of the company’s annual global turnover! Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) itself doesn’t know what its doing wrong as EU hasn’t been precise enough on its anti-monopolies policies, or Googles (NASDAQ:GOOGL) monopoly practices.

Investigation into Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) should only be considered if anything substantial has been found against it however its sheer size and profitability shouldn’t be the reason for a fine as there is no proof of the abstract allegations against it. The only proof at hand is that Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) holds a dominating position over other players. Maybe it does favour its own search over others but there is a slight chance it doesn’t always. Are all these allegations enough to put them to trial? Well in a fair world that shouldn’t be the case but the whole EU is bent upon lobbying against Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) blaming it against such woes as extremism in Europe!

But EU seems to be following a different set of rules and procedures as they understand that Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) is a monopoly according to their rules and that they should be monitored and controlled and punished if need be. And not surprisingly, all competitors seem to be in favour. But as mentioned earlier, nothing at hand indicates that consumer trust has been shattered and EU doesn’t seem to hold any proof in favour of the charges. Then what is motivating such action from the European regulators?

An analyst broke it down as follows “Once a firm has this sort of power, they can charge much higher prices, which wouldn’t have been the case, if the market was more competitive. Due to these high prices, consumers would show satisfaction for less quality so the standard would fall eventually. However high prices and low production seems to be inaccurate as Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) has followed the most innovative and highest practices in and outside its workplace.

Looking at the situation, one can see the problem isn’t about Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) but there is another major issue at hand. If EU, being the world’s biggest anti-trust authority doesn’t understand or want to understand what anti-trust really is in the cyber world then pretty soon fingers will be pointed at them instead of the players in the market.

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