Tesla Motors (NASDAQ:TSLA) CEO-Musk is Secretive: The D Factor


CEO of Tesla Motors (NASDAQ:TSLA), Elon Musk in his latest tweet on Wednesday has hinted that the time is about to arrive to show the World-The D along with “something else”. Musk has named his latest car, which is a luxury electric sedan, the Model S and is expected to launch the Model X crossover soon.

The picture with the tweet shows a one third open garage door with a letter D written on the shutter of garage with front portion of Tesla Motors (NASDAQ:TSLA) car visible under the open door. October 9th is the date for the display. He played a guessing game by not elaborating what letter D stands for so as to keep the anxiety running high. However, if what you expect is Tesla rolling out an all new car-“The Model D”; you may be asking for too much.  In today’s world where information travels fast it is highly unlikely that Tesla will come up with a new car a week before unveiling with no outsider having even a slightest hint about its existence. Tesla Motors (NASDAQ:TSLA), is enjoying a positive response for its electric cars especially in China, North America and Europe. Resultantly, Musk has set a challenging target of selling half a million cars by the year 2020, when full production of battery gigafactory is expected to commence.

There is a strong possibility that it might be some kind of a special feature in “Model S” which is being referred to as “the D”. It might also be some kind of a Driver Assist feature or a special version of Model S with four wheel drive capability since till date the car is only rear-wheel drive. Driver Assist is a safety feature which is becoming more and more popular. The feature includes reducing speed of the car and even making it stop in case of an imminent danger of collision with any obstacle ahead like stopped car or less distance from the cars moving ahead. It also cautions the driver of dangerous situations while changing lanes and assists in parking a car. About a year back Tesla Motors (NASDAQ:TSLA) CEO did indicate about developing an Autopilot system for Model S.

Global Equities Research analyst, Trip Chowdhry wrote in a note that as per his information Tesla’s Model S cars are being manufactured with Technology Package having all three Driver Assist features. Whereas, all-wheel drive version of Model X crossover will also be available for Tesla’s customers. In addition launching all-wheel drive version in Model S would be a supporting factor for sustaining its sales once Model X is rolled out in the beginning of next year. Chowdhry indicated that snow is a matter of concern for drivers in northern states which account for 17% of Tesla’s Model S sales.

The tweet initiated by Musk has stirred all kinds of guesswork in the industry since Tesla Motors (NASDAQ:TSLA) spokespeople are tight lipped about their boss’ tease.

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