According to leaks, Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) Windows 9 has quite a lot of improvement


According to the tradition of history Windows has been noted to produce one good operating system and the next one a bad experience for users. Windows 95 was a good one, Windows 98 was bad; using this logic Windows 9 is supposed to be a good one!

One thing that bothers most of the users of Windows 8 is the over-simplicity. However others believe that this ensures an improvement in the Windows operating system. The following have been leaked so far…enjoy!

Welcome back Start Menu!

Although the Start Menu was left out of Windows 8 before, but now it seems to be returning and users are pretty excited after seeing this button again in the latest version. Against the controversial Modern UI button, this start menu was integrated in Windows 7 as well. Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) believes that the users should be given the privilege to choose between the Modern UI button and start menu button and they can use either of them with Windows 8.

There are users who will face difficulty in the use of UI button but the users who own touch screen laptops or tablets can use either option for Windows 8. This shows that Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) wants to keep both the innovations to offer choices to its users.

Various desktops

Although the ability to switch between various virtual desktops had already been incorporated in MAC and Linux for a long time now, it was about time Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) finally provided the same kind of usability to its users. However, it was quite predictable that the interface would be similar to that seen in MAC and Linux, and this will result in taunts coming from the Linux and MAC user pool.

All-new notification center

There is a new notification alert center in the new Windows 9 and this is the third lead provided by the German website WinFuture. According to the video posted on this site, the notification center works on a combination of notifications which were on alerts seen one place in the Windows. This means all the app notifications posted by the Modern UI apps and other apps running on the operating system as well as the hardware notifications and alerts combined, can be found at one place without any hassle. However, the app notifications are only just that: notifications. You cannot responded immediately from the notification screen page where you receive them.

A new name?

It has also been in the leaks how there is a possibility of change of name in the sense of bringing everything under the Windows name umbrella. The latest GoFone which operates on Windows 8.1 is also included in this now as the hardware is refered to being a Windows hardware as well, as can be seen with the Windows logo printed on its back.


Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) has still not revealed the final dates regarding the launch of Windows 9 however, there is a possibility of the public viewing of it by the end of this month.

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