Android Run Tablets Showed 35% Increase While Apple Showed 36% Decrease In 2013


Gartner published its report about tablet sales and share in market with respect to the companies. Gartner reported that the number of tablets sold exceeding 195 million units worldwide. Last year, tablet sales increased by 68 per cent adding to the ever-expanding worldwide mobile market.

It is also reported that the most popular tablet operating system (OS) of the year was Android that left the Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) behind. About 35 per cent increase in market share is observed for Android-run tablets that jumped from 45.8 per cent in 2012 to 61.9 per cent in 2013. On the other hand, sales of iOS-based tablet got increased in the fourth quarter of the year while its market share decreased from 52.8 per cent in 2012 to 36 per cent in 2013.

Gartner also said in a statement that about 16.8 percentage points declined is observed in the share of Apple’s iOS in the market as there is more demand for the enhanced quality of smaller inexpensive tablets from branded traders and white-box gadgets are making their place in emerging markets quite well. According to a research director at Gartner, Roberta Cozza, with a immense preference of Android-based tablets being within the range of majority of users, tablets became a major happening last year while still offering sufficient specifications.

However, Apple ordered the bulk of tablet sales, shipping over 70 million devices in spite of supremacy of Androids tablet. Samsung stood at second position by selling 37 million tablets in the previous year. The International Data Corporation (IDC) had decreased its prediction of tablet sales to 229.3 million from 227.4 million during 2013, HumanIPO reported in 2013. Tablet sales are expected to exceed 407 million units in 2017 by the company. The Gartner study also showed that developed markets increased by 31 per cent but emerging markets showed enormous growth of 145 per cent in 2013.

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