Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)’s iPhone 6 release leads to long queues of customers


Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) iPhones went on sales this Friday and were greeted by long queues of excited customers outside the stores.

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) reached its record preorders for its latest iPhone as a result of which some customers may have to wait as long as until November for their iPhone 6. However those who just couldn’t wait at all formed long lines hours before the stores opened.

The additional features in this year’s launch included, a larger screen, 4.7 for iPhone 6 and 5.5 for iPhone 6 Plus. Also Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) this year, introduced the Apple Pay – a convenient and secure way to make financial transactions.

The most encouraging sign for Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:APPL) is the different demographics of customers who stood in lines.

Lucy Woika, who works for a software company said she was in line at 7am; she believes if you want a new piece of technology then why not get it first.

Another Keen customer was Joshua Schroeder, 28, who stood in line with his wife and baby daughter. He is an app developer, who felt iPhone 6 would help his work.

Next in line was Charlie Zhao, a 50 year old, small telecommunications company owner. He was there to buy the iPhone for his wife and iPhone Plus for himself.

17 year old Kinney came out holding up his brand new set, which he bought for $320.

The streets of Manhattan had the same atmosphere; it was like a celebration. People lined up; they shared food and cheered for others as they came out of the stores with their phones. Chris Johnson, 53, was among them, who not only wanted to get his hands on the latest iPhone but also beat his girlfriend to it – who ordered the phone online.

Akaila Johnson of 23 had been in line since Thursday. She was there for the original iPhone, iPhone 5 and 5s as well.

At Salibury downtown, Chris Martinette arrived at Best Buy at 5 am to avoid the crowd and rush but by 7am, he was the only person there. He said he got carried away and laughed at his own enthusiasm.

On the other hand, Verizon Wireless store in Salisbury had a small crowd lined up; people came with their blankets and easy chairs along with their morning coffee and donuts. David Hearne 27 had set up his camp at 11 pm a night before and was too excited to even sleep.

At Freehold Raceway Mall, Deniz Yalcinn an 18 year old university student, decided to spend her weekend in the queue, doing homework and waiting.

Karl Sanger, a pharmacist, said he had been looking forward to the larger screen and better camera quality. He explained how it would be useful for his work.

Lyn Jameson, 40, shows her 5 year old iPhone she got after spending the night outside an AT&T store and claims that she just can’t wait another year to update it.

It is evident that Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) has its loyal fans who not only mind waiting in lines, but also consider it an event. It is evident from the above comments that many users are hoping to use the phone for both personal and professional reasons – something that Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) can take into consideration and update the next model accordingly.

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