Apple Inc (NASDAQ:APPL) to take down Microsoft along with BlackBerry


During this week Microsoft (MSFT) announced plans of making the company a little more agile. Unfortunately for Microsoft, this was followed by the announcement that Apple Inc (NASDAQ:APPL) was making way into its territory. The Apple enterprise recently entered a big agreement with IBM (IBM) that strengthens the notion that Apple Inc (NASDAQ:APPL)is all set to move into Microsoft (MSFT)’s enterprise space most specifically MS Office.

 Some thoughts that haven’t made headlines in the face of IBM-Apple arrangement include the tweet by Apple Inc (NASDAQ:APPL)’s Tim Cook to CEO Microsoft (MSFT) Satya Nadella on their introduction of Office for iPad available through Apple’s Store.

Adding to this, Apple Inc (NASDAQ:APPL) is expected to be making further improvements in its iWork beta apps. Apple Inc (NASDAQ:APPL)is taking the availability of high-quality free online products seriously and offered iWork for free to its iPad and iPhone buyers last year. It is significant to point out the fact that Keynotes and Pages will perform equally if not better than PowerPoint and Word and at a reduced cost.

blackberry_concept6It’s also stunning that some seemingly unrelated occurrences like Apple Inc (NASDAQ:APPL)’s shot at taking advantage of a much vulnerable BlackBerry(BBRY), and consequently the gaping hole left in enterprise market along with Apple Inc (NASDAQ:APPL)’s iWork announcement and their arrangement with the giant IBM (IBM), all just point to Apple Inc (NASDAQ:APPL)’s takedown of BlackBerry (BBRY) formerly known as RIM.

Thanks to former CEO Microsoft (MSFT) Steve Ballmer, Satya Nadella has been left with his mess to clean up. Ballmer’s acquisition of Nokia and his drive to make Microsoft (MSFT) “devices and services” company has left absolutely no mindshare in enterprise and consumer marketplaces. There is no excitement in people to use Window Phones from Nokia that failed to gain a significant name in a market that is dominated by iPhone and Android.

The only Microsoft (MSFT) product still gathering attention and love from consumers is the Xbox. But it is rather known in a disassociation from Microsoft (MSFT) as an individual product – Xbox. From the perspective of integration of Xbox with everything else Microsoft (MSFT) engages itself in, there has been such poor mismanagement that Xbox solely cannot help the now-start off of the downfall of Windows or MS Office and all that they endorse.

The RIM and MSFT situations are clearly different if checked in specific but conceptually they are not all apart. These days the enterprise decision is dictated by the consumer preference. If the company is not out in front with consumer, the enterprise will end up getting hurt. This is the reason that Apple’s partnership with IBM can be considered a smart move. It is believed that given

IBM’s market strength and coverage, the partnership can give Apple Inc (NASDAQ:APPL)enterprise capabilities and credibility at one stroke while providing IBM with a premium advantage in the race for mobile enterprise leadership .With Apple Inc (NASDAQ:APPL)leading this hookup, Microsoft (MSFT) will soon be buried in the same pit Blackberry (BBRY), without any clue found itself in.

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