Brita’s Big News – defected bottles were called back


On Tuesday, the German company and manufacturer of children’s water bottles, Brita, declared that its bottles had a defect and possibly a laceration hazard. Around 242,500 water bottles were called back.

The company reported that the plastic lids of these bottles may shatter if handled without care. Brita was disappointed by the quality of the bottles and is taking specific measures to undo this mishap. Chairman of Consumer Product Safety Commission talked about the defect in detail in a video posted on Associated Press. The defect is even more concerning because the product is specially designed for children who handle their bottles somewhat roughly.

According to the reports nearly 35 lids were reported either cracked or broken out of the ones that were sold; however the only good news for the company is that no injuries were reported as a result of cracked or broken lids. The company is taking immediate steps to fix the issue by contacting its customer pool and asking them to return the bottles; the Brita is offering the customers a full refund in order to mend any cracks in customer loyalty.

The white lidded, Brita bottles include the cartoon series that comprise of a variety of characters like SpongeBob Square Pants, Hello Kitty, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Dora the Explorer with colors like blue, pink, green and violet respectively. These bottles are about 6 inches in height and each bottle has a capacity of 15 ounces for storage of fluid. The bottles that were supposed to provide top quality to the users have caused quite a stir among its consumers; however the company has taken full responsibility for their manufacturing flaws.

The Brita bottles include filters and fold-up straws that are present below the lid. The model number of these bottles on the plastic wrap which they are sealed is BB07. Every type of bottle has a different UPC code; with Dora the Explorer having 60258-35883, SpongeBob Square Pants with 60258-35880, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles having 60258-35882 and 60258-35914 for Hello Kitty.

The price for these bottles ranges between $13 and $19 depending on the type of bottle demanded by the customer; these bottles are available on different stores.

The bottles could be purchased from websites like Target (NYSE:TGT), (NASDAQ:AMZN) and and brick and mortar stores like Quidsi, Bartell Drug, Associated Food Stores, Target (NYSE:TGT), Alaska Housewares, WalMart (NYSE:WMT), US Navy Exchange, Shopko and Royal Ahold. All companies were instructed to stop selling these bottles immediately after the mishap was reported; Brita has asked all the retailers to apply for refunds for their purchases.

It was advised by Brita to its consumers to immediately discontinue using the bottles and contact the company for a paid-by-post shipping package. The company can be contacted on its official number; 800-926-2065; between the working hours of 8am-5pm. Taking into account eastern time, it is from Monday till Friday. The company’s website can also be visited for further news on the product and related information. You can visit and then ‘’Safety Recall’ for further help.

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