Disney (NYSE:DIS) Marvel Toys can attract children towards Marvel Comics


The Disney (NYSE:DIS) Game called ‘Disney (NYSE:DIS) Infinity Marvel Super Heroes 2.0’ is best appreciated by kids as it comes with a complete set of toys included with the video game. Even if the video game is not on screen, the toys in themselves have enough appeal for kids to be played with separately. An added advantage is that inquisitive kids tend to get interested in the history of the action figures and turn to comic books featuring these heroes to learn more about the adventures they have had over the years.

The Disney (NYSE:DIS) Infinity 2.0 includes starter pack of the Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy action figures and play sets of Spider Man. Depending on the age of kids, most will find it the first time being introduced to the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy. Spider Man however, is a totally different story, as every kid on the block has been introduced to this super hero thanks to the gigantic marketing budget spidey is allotted every year.

The Avergers action figure set includes a wide range of characters and includes male as well as female super heroes. Even the spider man action figure set has a wider cast set introduced as action figures, however, there are more male heroes in the set and absolutely no female superhero action figure. Being a wide variety hardly ever introduced before, these action figures can serve as collectibles for children interested in collecting memorable introductions.

When we compare the degree of detail on the action figures and the quality of the figures overall, it is slightly less than the Skylanders action figures, however the uniqueness of the Marvel characters definitely wins you over. Pick them up once and you want to keep on holding on to them and playing yourselves no matter what your age. This is an excellent strategy of independent appeal of the action figures apart from the video game in itself.

This appeal makes the kids turning to comic books wanting to learn their history, where they came from, even though technology has literally taken over our lives in this age. These comic books do not however exist online, hence the dying out culture of paper comic books could also revive, depending on how strong the curiosity being felt by the kids out there is. Visiting a comic book store could result in the further interest in the old movies starring these super heroes.

The game in itself is out on 23 September in the United States and will take a head start in other territories. This can probably be the start of including other characters in the video games third version along with other play sets including other characters which have been introduced by marvel over the years. It surely has no shortage of comic book super heroes and if this video and action figure product hits the right note with the consumers, it could be the start of a venture with a glorious future!

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