Facebook Analysed Daylight Saving Time Has Healthier Effect On Mood


Data Science team of Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) which works with proprietary information, has said that they are really happy with start of Daylight Saving Time on Monday morning.

On the social networking site, about 25 percent more Americans wrote their comments in morning that they were exhausted and will do the same they do in routine. It is also mentioned that using DST doesn’t only signify that user lost an hour of sleep but it also indicates that user can see more sunlight in the afternoon that gives a good feeling.
The social networking site explained this Daylight Saving Time through map that indicates the outcome in every geological area with a darker blue line that depicts a higher number of ‘feeling tired’ users over the earlier Monday morning.

But, people wrote that their tiredness is at normal rates by the afternoon. This tiredness rate is different in different states. ‘Feeling tired’ rise about 231 percent in the middle of the country to the Delaware and is the highest. But DST is not privileged by Arizona though an increase in sleepiness is observed.

The company also said that the mood of statuses also increased and usage of “wonderful” is raised about 21% increased while usage of ‘great’ is boosted about 19% in contrast to the earlier Monday. In the meantime, 14 percent decrease is observed in ‘annoyed’ status and 12 percent in ‘bored’.

After all this study, it is analysed that more sunlight brings positive and healthy effects on mood of users.

However, mood is affected daily with different factors including weather or news stories so by giving up of an hour to the gods of time is absolutely advantageous.
The company gathered all this information from the “mood” icons that people mostly use in their Facebook posts.

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