Google Glass: Next Most Innovative Wearable Technology


There are speculations that Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG)’s next most well accepted technology will be Google Glass. Just similar to eyeglasses, this small digital device is basically a portable computer through which user can search different Websites, take photos, email, shoot, stream live videos, and can do text along with hands-free function.

A very restricted unveiling of Google Glass is done but political experts are keen to know about its working that whether it can be used as an authoritative campaign device. Jam-packed political events can be covered with this device along with campaign rallies, conventions, committee meetings and caucuses. It is a best device to make video of the opposition at public events and assemblies. It has the capability to make video more freely while moving around instead of cell phone that requires focus.

In the meantime, Google Glass is being experimented by President Obama administration for its campaigns. According to Betsy Hoover that works with a group named 270Strategies, Google Glass will prove as a leader of wearable technology and very attractive.

She also added that with campaign workforce, it is easier to communicate more faultlessly through this device. Before this device, social media is the best option for campaign process. In 2012, Obama’s administration used Facebook and Twitter to connect supporters and run campaigns. In this way, Google Glass is one step ahead.

For sites, users have to use their samrtphones. Firstly, they have pulled them out of pocket, then unlock them and then go to the app to see videos or pictures. But on Google Glass, users can enjoy all this in one step. According to Hoover, it quite be possible that based on their location at any moment, users of Google Glass can get information about public meeting nearby. In this way, people can be connected at once and that is requirement of campaigns and elected officials all the time.

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