Halloween, a Busy Time for Wal-Mart (NYSE:WMT)


Halloween sale trends are breaking records this year, as the total number of spending on costumes, decorations and candy are expected to go as high as $7.4 billion as per National Retail Federation. Wal-Mart (NYSE:WMT), being the biggest retailer in the U.S, will be getting a huge chunk of those sales.

Where does Halloween stand amongst the winter holiday season?

John Forrest Ales, a spokesperson from Wal-Mart (NYSE:WMT) revealed the retailers plan for the Halloween season.  According to Ales, Halloween is a very important time of the year for sales and revenue. Although he did not reveal any figures, as far as sales are concerned, but agreed that it is very popular among the consumers. Preparatory shopping began a week prior for the Halloween, this year.

How much has Halloween progressed as far as business is concerned?

Halloween has gained momentum, with time and has become a major harvest celebration. The fact that this year Halloween is falling on a Friday, has added excitement and enthusiasm to the celebrations. Besides costumes, Wal-Mart (NYSE:WMT) is expecting more sales in other Halloween theme items, such as, baked goods, decorations and candy. The customers seem to be more interested in buying baked items during fall and winter than during summer and spring. Wal-Mart (NYSE:WMT) has added inflated decorations and DIY baked goods in its inventory for the season.

According to The National Retail Foundation, Halloween sales have gone up 55% in the last eight years.

How is this year benefitting Wal-Mart’s business?

This is the second time in seven years that Halloween is on a Friday, which is a delight for all retailers that sell Halloween themed products. Retailers will have more business, due to the weekend Halloween celebration. Ales said that the employees at Wal-Mart (NYSE:WMT) are very excited about this year’s weekend Halloween.

Wal-Mart (NYSE:WMT) is quite familiar with the Halloween season customer demands. The retailer hosts a variety of products that range from children costumes of characters from their favourite movies, to baked goods that are rich in seasonal flavours. Wal-Mart (NYSE:WMT) has also incorporated the pumpkin flavour in their scents. The company has twelve kinds of pumpkin candles in its stock, currently. A total of 9.3 million pumpkins, alone, were sole by the retailer last year.

Character costumes for pets is also a big thing this year. Owners are seen, buying super hero costumes for their pets

The biggest and hottest trend of the season is the kid’s costumes. Kid’s costumes are Wal-Mart’s (NYSE:WMT) main focus, and this year, the company has added more to its line of costumes in an effort to meet the latest trends. Several ‘Disney’s Frozen’ themed, licensed costumes have been added to the stock. Another addition to the licensed line of costume is teenage mutant ninja turtles.

Did Wal-Mart (NYSE:WMT) customers approach Halloween any differently this time around?

The customers at Wal-Mart (NYSE:WMT) have shown how important Halloween is to them. They pay attention in personalization of their costumes and take inspiration from their own lives.

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