J C Penney Company Inc (NYSE:JCP)’s Overview


J C Penney Company Inc (NYSE:JCP) has had a good swift run in the past 18 months with good numbers on the stock exchange and sales rising up by 5.7 percent. Their infrastructure has been brilliant and their overall business ethic has been commendable. J C Penney Company Inc (NYSE:JCP) has been strategic, dividing its focuses:


The core focus is on jewelry, handbags, accessories and watches. The management project sales in this territory will improve by one billion in the coming three years. The second strategy, home, which suffered a certain low down in the past is expected to make 750 million in the next 3 years. The sales from the home stores have decreased to 10 percent, which at one point was 24 percent.


JCP (NYSE:JCP) has just started to venture into multi channeled ecommerce. The company hasn’t really been on par with other companies who are availing the possibilities of ecommerce. JCP (NYSE:JCP) has to expand on that aspect if it wants to diffuse into small creaks and crevices to potential customers. They have finally come up with mobile apps that give access to the users to view the world inside JCP (NYSE:JCP) and shop online.


One other part where JCP (NYSE:JCP) must improve is its comprehension of the psychology of the customer. It seems as if JCP (NYSE:JCP) has a generic view of the American people, it should be brought to attention of JCP (NYSE:JCP) that mid America is evolving with the society and JCP (NYSE:JCP), being a big name in departmental stores, should be aware of the future trends.


JCP (NYSE:JCP) has got some big brands under its hood such as St. John’s Bay, Worthington, Ambrielle, Stafford, J.Ferrer, Arizona, Foundry and Xersion which should be focused to bring excitement into the mix and to make way for young customers. J C Penney Company Inc (NYSE:JCP)’’s Brooklyn store, which is relatively new, has been getting great reviews from the local public who claim that it has a certain aura and gives a certain community feeling to the customers.


September sales have been below par but that is not a surprise since the market has been dominated by technology companies especially iPhone 6’s release and all the hype around it. The second and third quarter results are expected to be in single digits, which are totally dependent on October sales.

As Christmas draws nearer, J C Penney Company Inc (NYSE:JCP) and the public both will have something to cheer about.


That is the premiere time when customers from all around the world hoard in departmental stores; this is the time when the business is vibrant and booming and since oil prices are expected to drop there will be extra spending.  J C Penney Company Inc (NYSE:JCP) is going through a transition period and hopefully they will give the investors some reason to cheer. There will be an extra selling day between Thanksgiving and Christmas this year which should hopefully rake in some good numbers!

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