Jury passes verdict on Wal-Mart (NYSE:WMT) shooting


A grand jury came to the decision, based on a surveillance camera tape that the shooting of a guy wielding an air rifle by a police officer in southwestern Ohio Wal-Mart Stores, Inc (NYSE:WMT) store was justified. The person was a potential threat to everyone in the store and the police did what it deemed right at the moment, within the law. The bereaved family of John Crawford, who was shot by the police officers, stated that they are shocked to hear that the police officers weren’t indicted. They called it a brutal murder and claimed that John was innocent and had done no harm to anyone there.

The police claims that it acted upon what they saw and that John was waving around an air rifle. Even after multiple warnings John didn’t let go of the weapon and hence Police had to take the unfortunate final action. Initially a 911 caller had reported that a person in the store was waving an air rifle, sometimes at the ground, sometimes at people and just wasn’t leaving. Officers said he failed to obey the warnings.

Crawford’s family had demanded the release of surveillance video which before this day was denied to them. The investigation unit claimed that releasing the video earlier would have distorted the investigation. The video had no audio feed back and at the conclusion, or near the end it’s hard to make out what’s happening between the police officers and John Crawford. The tape also showed him walking into the store, talking on his cell phone then just picking up an air rifle that was there unboxed on a shelf.

Crawford’s family has sought the FBI to get involved and to confirm if race was in the equation, as Crawford was black and the policemen who shot him were white. U.S department of justice said that it will review the facts thoroughly and take a fresh look at the case, until then the policemen will not be indicted. Spokeswoman for the Attorney’s office said that the FBI will intervene regardless of the state proceedings. She said that FBI is more qualified and well trained to handle such situations. The shooting was fatal and every inch of the case should be checked to confirm transparency.

She also said that unfortunately racial issues are quite common and if this was the case they’ll make sure that the policemen face the consequences according to the law. Taking a human life is a crime nonetheless but if it’s proved that the person was indeed threatening to harm them in any way then the charges against the policeman in question will be dropped and the case will be dismissed. What’s bad news for the cops is that the civil rights authorities are barging in on the case ever since the case went global. They assured the Crawford family that they’ll uphold the criminal civil rights power and indict the cops no matter what. It’ll be interesting to see how the whole matter unfolds.

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