More problems for Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)’s iOS 8 – iPhone’s Bluetooth troubles


Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) has been facing one issue after the other ever since its launch of the new iPhone 6, iPhone 6 plus and iOS 8 this September. Troubles continue for Apple (NASDAQ:APPL), as we enter October. After the customers had issues with iOS 8.0.1, Apple (NASDAQ:APPL) came up with a fix called iOS 8.0.2. However, even the solution had malfunctions as complaints about the Bluetooth started to pour in. According to a report by MacRumors, customers as well as Apple (NASDAQ:APPL) support forums are having trouble with the connectivity of Bluetooth. So far, as per the complaints, it has been understood that the issue is with Bluetooth’s connectivity with the speakers, keyboards, headsets and car audio systems. At times, there is partial connectivity with audio troubles and loss of connection while receiving calls and sometimes there is a lack of connection altogether. Even though the malfunction is reported to be non-existent in most devices where most customers are not even aware of the issue, others with Bluetooth trouble are finding it quite frustrating as Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) is not able to present a solution. What’s worse is the fact that this issue is not just limited to the iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 plus users anymore; it is being reported by previous iPhone owners as well.

Apple’s (NASDAQ:APPL) Bluetooth issues have clashed with quite a few car makers such as Hyundai, BMW, Mercedes, Lexus, Toyota, Ford etc. Apple (NASDAQ:APPL) is putting in a lot of effort into finding a solution to these issues, but an official statement by the company is yet to come.

Apple (NASDAQ:APPL) witnessed record sales of its latest phones and therefore the company is not too concerned about the profits, however, the negative reviews and publicity are bound to leave a few grazes on the company’s portfolio. It is noted that Apple (NASDAQ:APPL) has been making headlines for all the wrong reasons, such as the iPhone 6 and 6 plus bending issue, iOS8 battery life issues, iOS8 wifi issues, U2 fiasco and now the Bluetooth malfunction. Although it is not yet clear as to how serious the Bluetooth issue is, Apple (NASDAQ:APPL) has taken the matter seriously and is working towards a permanent solution to the problem.

Apple’s (NASDAQ: APPL) reputation is not expected to be tarnished with these latest trouble with malfunctions considering the huge fan following and customer loyalty, it is a concern to see that the company is coming across such issues when the smartphone market is becoming so competitive. As Google is getting ready to unveil its long awaited Android L, iPhone 6 plus has come in the market to challenge the Nexus 6. At the same time Microsoft has announced Windows 10 which is a single OS that will run across laptops, tablets, smart phones and PCs. The growing technology and its endless prospects is something that can cause Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) a little concern. In the face of such fierce competition, Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) needs to eradicate such troubles in the future to maintain its stable position in the tech world.

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