Only Yahoo ID Will Be Allowed, Verizon Topped In Performance Study


Recently, with Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) or Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) Ids, Yahoo! Inc. (NASDAQ:YHOO) has stopped allowing people to access certain services. Now users will have to use a Yahoo ID to sign in all services.

According to Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer, the company is in process of changing into a mobile content portal with better personalization procedure to offer user better monetization and understanding.
Mayer has revitalized Yahoo Finance,Yahoo Mail and unveiled Yahoo News Digest after taking charge of Yahoo in 2012. In 2013, the company has purchased 30 companies, unveiled new magazines for tech and food, bulked up Tumblr, beautified several apps and hired high profile host Katie Couric for talk show.

A Yahoo spokesperson said that the company will revitalize user understanding. Soon services including Fantasy Sports and Flickr will use same credentials after Yahoo Sports Tourney Pick’Em that is the first service that applies this rule. After launching this new process, signing in through a Yahoo username procedure will be used. In this way, the best experience of Yahoo will be given to users.
In second news, that deals with network performance ranked Verizon Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE:VZ) premier among its competitors in four out of five groups in a national study.
According to the report of, Verizon Wireless attain 89.7 out of 100 score and AT&T Inc. (NYSE:T)’s was 86.2 in a six-month evaluation of consistency, speed, text messaging, call quality. But in category of Speed, Verizon Wireless lag behind AT&T, the report said. However, T-Mobile US Inc. and Sprint Corp. attained 64.3 and 68.2 correspondingly.

After facing blocking issues in cities like New York in 2013, Verizon Wireless get back its top position in the network quality stack and at the same time, the company defy AT&T’s advertised claims of owning the most trustworthy network.

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