Prime video instant app Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) has been released, but it’s not found on Google Play


Got an android phone and want to stream videos on the Amazon (NASQAD:AMZN)? You are now able to watch Premium videos by Amazon (NASQAD:AMZN) and stream them anytime on your phone. There were apps for iOS as well as those for Google TV however despite iOS being the largest platform when it comes to mobile streaming, there wasn’t an official app made for it which offered official development support.

It was Tuesday when Amazon (NASQAD:AMZN) finally released this app which is named the Prime Instant Video and is completely compatible for android phones. There is one thing that the company still needs to sort out for its customers, if it’s not a deliberate move that is. The problem is that anyone who wants this app on his or her phone must beforehand download the Amazon (NASQAD:AMZN) App OR the Amazon (NASQAD:AMZN) Appstore first. This is because the Instant Video app does not exist on the Google Play.

The main Android app of Amazon (NASQAD:AMZN) has been updated to its latest version of 5.0 and now has the ability to stream videos, purchase books as well as download other apps available online.

There is one easier way of downloading the new Premium app however. All you have to do is get your android phone and start its Amazon (NASQAD:AMZN) app, then just like in your routine browsing session, search for any video that you would want to stream at that very moment. The original app will automatically prompt you to download a newer addition of the app for online video streaming which is called the Prime Instant Video.

This makes the main Amazon (NASQAD:AMZN) app a base that can be used as an alternate to the Amazon (NASQAD:AMZN) store service which you would have first logged on to for app downloads. This means that the main app is also taking over for the app store for this company.

There are certain drawbacks in the Premium Instant Video app including the fact that there is no chromecast supports as yet present in the app. Further, since the app is recently released, not all versions of the android phones are able to download this app and stream the videos online. It has already been reported recently, that the tablet Nexus 10 is not compatible with this app and hasn’t been able to download it. However, there are other users across the world who seem to be using the Premium app on the same tablet which is pretty strange.

There is a vast store of amazing content that can be found on the Premium app offered by Amazon (NASQAD:AMZN) and the users are excited to stream all kinds of videos using the Premium app. However, the company is probably using this app as a Trojan horse to entice the customers into downloading it on the maximum possible devices. This would surely be an achievement for Amazon (NASQAD:AMZN) in terms of online video streaming if the numbers are hugely substantial.

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