Twitter Hacked Or Reset Password Emails Are Sent By Mistake?


Many users got frustrated after receiving e-mails from Twitter Inc (NYSE:TWTR) that were sent to many users to notify them that their passwords had been reset due to a security reasons with a third-party Web site on Monday.

The e-mail sent to users stated that social networking site considers that user’s account may have been conciliated by a third-party Web site or service not associated with the company. By changing their password, users’ accounts have been reset to avoid hacking users’ accounts. Some password reset notices has been sent to some users tonight but it is happened by mistake and due to a system fault, the company said in a statement yesterday. They are highly making an apology to the affected users for this trouble. The password reset e-mails had been sent by mistake not intentionally, according to a Twitter spokesperson.

On the other hand, social networking site did not mention that how many users got the password changing notice during this system failure. The emails sent to the users were not fake at all but users are not hacked. But according to the company’s statement, someone at Twitter just accidently generated an onslaught of password reset emails that have been received by those people who didn’t actually have any concern with it. Users’ accounts are out of danger and not being hacked by the third party at all.

The similar situation happened before when social networking site experienced a security infringes that leads to a large number of password reset in November 2012. So this is not happened for the first time when the company suffered through this problem. This process raises questions whether Twitter is hacked and these emails are real or fake.
The company replied that passwords are reset for a much larger group of users by mistake.

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