Urban Outfitters Inc. (NASDAQ:URBN): Stooping too low!


Urban Outfitters Inc. (NASDAQ:URBN) has a reputation for coming up with notorious slogans for its clothing. In the past it has sparked controversies for putting racially abusive, pro-alcohol and politically volatile slogans on their products.

Whenever it is criticized or condemned in public, it issues a half hearted apology and simply takes the particular shirt away from its shops and online stores. But this time they have gone too far, as far as one could go to entice violence.

Their latest sweatshirt had a reference to 1970s Kent State University massacre of four unnamed students. The shirt also bears a seemingly fake blood smudge. After being at the receiving end of hue and cry, Urban Outfitters Inc (NASDAQ:URBN) tweeted an apology saying they didn’t know that the sweatshirt would be perceived in a negative way.

Urban Outfitters Inc (NASDAQ:URBN) has a history of making clothes with hurtful slogans and in the past they have made shirts with holocaust references, dubbed a black color shirt Obama Black and made slogans about pro same gender marriage and pro- alcohol. A V-necked shirt has the slogan ‘eat less’ being worn by a stick thin model.

It’s quite unclear where all these radical slogans are coming from, who is approving them? The designing and creative teams can’t be blamed as they do what they are told. So the fingers point at Richard Hayne, the billionaire owner of Urban Outfitters Inc (NASDAQ:URBN). He’s at the helm of the company and controls all the policies that are set.

Hayne said in a sly tone that Urban Outfitters Inc (NASDAQ:URBN) cater to angst ridden teenagers and young adults who are passionate about finding ‘someone’ in their life. They’re basically showing off.

His comments didn’t really do any good to his customers till now and one may wonder: why is he hell bent on spreading hatred for his company, and why are his customers so indifferent towards being the joke to millionaires like him.

One thing is for sure that Urban Outfitters Inc (NASDAQ:URBN) is for the upper class, as the price tags are high and cater to people that are almost elite. This fact contrasts with the whole philosophy of Urban Outfitters Inc (NASDAQ:URBN) catering to ‘hipsters’ as their executive Director compared its customers to wild chimpanzees.

It has almost become a precedent for Urban Outfitters Inc (NASDAQ:URBN) to offend people. With its notorious, hollow slogans, one can never know what they’re trying to prove. It’s not even tongue in cheek humor or something witty which normally appeals to the masses; it’s just blatant vulgarity and inhumane slogans trying to stir anarchy.

Having such a laid back and irresponsible attitude has still not cost them their reputation and credibility. They’ll probably come up with something even more pathetic and then launch a half hearted apology for it to save their face in public. For how long this will go on before their own consumers wake up and take action, we certainly haven’t got the slightest idea.

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