Cummins (NYSE:CMI) ETHOS 2.8L Reduces the CO2 Emissions by 50% to 80% – Trials Being Held on the Roads of Sacramento, California


Cummins Inc. CMI, on July 14, announced that it will develop a new powertrain and engine, ETHOS 2.8L, in partnership with CEC (California Energy Commission). According to the company, the new engine will be eco friendly and it will reduce Carbon dioxide emissions by as much as 80 percent than the normal gasoline powered engines. It is pertinent to note here that Carbon dioxide is a green house gas and its reduction will make the environment safe and secure.

ETHOS 2.8L has been tested for more than 1500 hours and 1000 miles for the emissions of Carbon dioxide. The results obtained are spectacular and the engine emits far less carbon dioxide than the project plan stated; project plan stated a reduction of CO2 by 50 percent, but the tests have shown figures as high as 80 percent. The engine is currently undergoing a final on-road test. The on-road phase started in June and the engine is being tested on the roads of Sacramento, California. Cummins Pacific is supervising the road trials as it is the exclusive distributor of Cummins Inc. in the areas of Hawaii and California.

The Research and Technology vice president of Cummins, Wayne Eckerle, stated that the development of ETHOS 2.8L engine is a clear example as to how modifications in engine designs and the consumption of alternative fuels that are low on carbon, can be combined together to achieve less CO2 emissions.

This new engine uses E-85, a clean fuel that contains 15 percent gasoline and 85 percent ethanol. Moreover, the engine has a latest spark ignition system installed in it to obtain the best possible results and to reduce the emissions by large extents. The engine also has a complex start-stop system that reduces the emissions by consuming less fuel. The start-stop system turns off the engine once the vehicle stops and the brake pedals are continuously pressed against; later on, when the pedals are relieved of the pressure, the engine starts automatically.

Cummins has incorporated robust starter, sensor, smart alternator and 2000 Series transmitters of Allison Transmission for the efficient working of start-stop system. ETHOS 2.8L uses the engine oil of NextGen by Valvoline in order to further reduce CO2 emissions.

The latest tests conducted on ETHOS engine shows a reduction of CO2 by 50 to 60 percent when the corn-derived E-85 was used as a fuel for the engine. However, the emissions reduced significantly when cellulosic-derived E-85 was used as a fuel; the emissions reduced by 75 to 80 percent.

Although cellulosic ethanol is not widely available these days, due to the complex technology involved in the process of its derivation, but the chances are very high that this technology will become mainstream in the future. Till then, consumers can use the corn-derived E-85 as an alternate fuel.

Cummins Inc designs, manufactures and distributes engines and power generation components. This company is one of the Fortune 500 companies, with a total market capitalization of $28.06 billion. The company has a price earnings ratio of 18.49 and a dividend yield of 2.05 percent.

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