Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) scores again investing in green energy


A firm believer in production of electricity through renewable resources, Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) invests a hefty budget of $145 million in SunEdison (NYSE:SUNE). This company is all set to produce solar energy, for which Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) has contributed, totaling a staggering 82 megawatts (MW). This is not the first time Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) has invested in clean energy and it’s the seventeenth time Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) is initiating a project under its green eco-friendly power tab. This clearly shows that the internet giant is not only concerned about growing bigger and better, but it wants to do this in a responsible way. Corporate Social Responsibility is something which most companies treat as a big hassle and don’t really contribute regularly or substantially enough, however Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) has never launched any dummy project with each and every initiative being a staggering success.

According to this deal, this internet giant is now supporting $1.5 billion worth of clean and renewed electricity on about three continents. The total capacity targeted is about 2.5 gigawatts (GW). This is a massive project between Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) and SunEdison with no one expecting the former to continue investing in the production of solar power. According to the project deliverables, the development will take place somewhere in the Kern County located in California. This place was an old gas and oil field previously and has run out of majority of its reserves and can now be used as an eco-friendly project.

According to Nick Coon from Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) who is the companys’ official renewable power specialist, the field has exhausted around 25 wells of oil and now after sitting idle for a while, the green project would start soon. They had a total of 30 wells of oil and eventually there are only 5 left now. If you are interested in getting more information regarding this project you can visit the official blog which Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) hs specifically maintained for this project.

Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) also took part in the production of renewable power last year and had long term deals with several green power producing companies. These deals produced a total of 870,000 megawatts which covered around 23% of Google’s (NASDAQ:GOOGL) power needs. However, Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) also uses a mix of renewable energy options which make up 35% of its total needs.

The five major projects which Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) is involved in currently all use wind for its energy production. When the solar energy project with SunEdison (NYSE:SUNE) is completed, this will be the largest solar project in all of the North American continent. This project is named as Regulus and the amount of land required for this project is approximately 737 acres and it requires about 248,000 monocrystalline modules of photovoltaic.

The owner of this system is the TerraForm Power and the produced output will be sold to the Southern California Edison Company (NYSE:EIX) and the tool used would be a twenty year purchase agreement. The term financing has been provided by the Prudential Capital Group (NYSE:PRU) and Santander Bank.

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