Google’s (NASDAQ:GOOGL) Cloud Platform to be Run by a Great New Hire


Cloud is a technology that is increasingly gaining momentum – and quickly. This technology allows data to be stored in pools and bundles; this information is then made available to multiple users all over the internet. All this activity is controlled and monitored by a host company – in that reference Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) has gained a lot of praise. According to many cloud observers, Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) is moving ahead quickly and making a prominent mark. There were still, however, reservations regarding the pledge, craving and ethnicity of Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL). Many of these doubts were cleared when Brian Stevens, former CTO of Red Hat was asked to become the part of the Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) cooperation.


Red Hat – a multinational software company – was greatly shocked by the resignation of their CTO. The mystery was later solved when Brian Stevens joined Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) and took over as the head of their cloud platform. Brian, who was a great asset for Red Hat, was working with them on many projects that were in collaboration with OpenStack and Docker. Some of them were already in the middle while others were scheduled to be initiated soon. Brian Stevens is well known and renowned in the computing and networking world for his Cloud handling and programming abilities. Thus what proved to be a loss for Red Hat was in turn a gain for Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL), who was facing raised eyebrows regarding their Cloud system.


Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) has always been very open and vocal about their schemes, proposals and inventiveness. Google has taken over the cluster management for Docker – this idea was originated and nurtured at Google Cooperation; which has also been met with great approval and support from many areas.


Brian Stevens has been a welcoming change at Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL). He is a man with remarkable expertise in the field; he is also well aware of the strengths and weakness of the market. Combining this expertise with his knowledge, allows him to study the expected changes in the market and analyze which of them will be welcomed. He then makes his calculations to predict whether the change would prove to be profitable for the company or not. Stevens’ hiring has been a very witty move on part of Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL). The brand name of Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) coupled with the brains of Stevens, will make the new and latest Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) Cloud Platform undisputedly the best of its kind. It will come with a force that will be difficult to match up with.


Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) is not stopping at Brian Stevens; it also plans on going all out to hire new developers. These developers are being taken in at handsome pays and are being asked to become a part of this Cloud Platform. The initial and main target markets of Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) Cloud Platform are smaller companies; companies that have been in the market for less than 5 years with less than $500,000 worth of investment. Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) has designed a scheme in which it will provide Cloud infrastructure of worth $100,000 along with 24/7 technical support. Though it seems like a small amount, it much more in terms of cloud communications. This will make Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) a more approachable and house hold name.

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