Software for automobiles; Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) to build driver-less car system


Every now and then a company comes up with an innovation that revolutionizes the world. Whether it be Apple with its smartphone technology, or Intel with its innovative multi-core processors. Innovation is what drives the world, and now this driving is being made automatic, thanks to Tesla Motors (NASDAQ: TSLA).

The world is no stranger to Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA), which is exactly what Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL) is to smartphones; innovative, creative, and dependable. The California-based company has already revolutionized the zero-emission automobile technology, building electric cars which can run as fast as a McLaren F1 on a 60-85kwH battery. Elon Musk, who is CEO at Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA), has been dedicated to promote the clean energy vehicles by Tesla, and has, through his company, set up “Superchargers” all over the US for users, free of cost.

Driver-less cars is the next step in automobile innovation, and Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) is committed to building just that.

When Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) first came up with the iPhone, no one expected it to become so successful a phone. For other phone companies were focused entirely on making batteries for phones which were longer-lasting. Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) innovated, and focused rather on the software aspect of the iPhone. It was highly criticized for its hardware, which was weaker than mainstream phones, but the phone’s software was unmatchable. Soon, the world shifted to it, and other companies such as Samsung and Nokia jumped the bandwagon. This started a revolution, which we now identify as smartphones.

Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) wishes to follow the same model; focusing on the software aspect of automobiles. While all “super cars” compete with each other for, say, better transmission systems, Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) is focused on building cars equipped with AI-mechanisms.

Last week, Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) announced a new feature in their automobile line already being manufactured by the company: Auto-pilot. The auto-pilot is an artificial-intelligence based system designed to drive a car without a driver. And as hardware required for the AI system is cheap, merely a radar and simple cameras, the AI system can be easily implemented.

For Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) CEO Musk, this is the revolution automobiles of tomorrow are going to be built upon; Artificial Intelligence modules designed for cars to make the cars “drive-less”.

But critics are not so optimistic about Tesla’s (NASDAQ: TSLA) innovations as CEO Musk. Musk assumes that this innovation will spread fast, just like it did for smartphones. Unfortunately, the Moore’s Law does not apply to the automobile industry, like it does to the smartphone one. In the automobile industry, BMWs don’t drop in prices as fast as an iPhone does, hence the technology still remains out of reach for most. Also, innovation in cars is not as rapid as smartphones, so we may have to wait a couple of years for the auto-pilot technology to stabilize, and become a norm.

However, with the new line of cars coming out of Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) with the auto-pilot feature, the future seems certain for the automobile industry. With zero-emission cars running on auto-pilot in the near future, the automobile industry is sure to revolutionize, with Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) as the market leader in the revolutionized market.

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