Ford (NYSE:F) Improves the American Muscle


The American Muscle has entered the league of the thoroughbred automobiles. Even with its popularity amongst general public and the cult status that it seems to enjoy, the Ford (NYSE:F) Mustang can still be the first car of a college graduate. The buying price worth $23,600 is easily affordable. However, the Mustang fans can expect to finally see the dream car unveiling. The new Mustang, expected to put an appearance in 2015 will have technology that enables it to compete with the cream of the automobile industry. The 2015 Mustang will soon reach a status where it can race against a $50,000 luxury sports cars, such as Audi, Lexus and BMW.

However, the bedazzled Mustang is expected to outshine Ford (NYSE:F)’s traditional designs, such as the Chevrolet Camaro and Dodge Challenger.

The 1965 updated Mustang, which unveiled a sport version of it and created a class of automobiles that are coined the pony cars, has been outclassed completely by the 2015 Mustang that introduces an efficient 21st century formula Mustang that ensures consumers safety, along with efficiency and luxury. All this however, comes at great value.

This time around, Ford (NYSE:F) is going global with its much prized Mustang 2015. The efforts to disperse the units all over the world are in light of heavy attention that the car attracts from fans all over the world. The model can now be sold in the global market. This will help Ford (NYSE:F) to tread international market with the best that it has to offer. This is going to help Ford (NYSE:F) establish a trustworthy image of itself in the global market.

The transportation curator at the Henry Ford museum, Matt Anderson has released a statement in which he has rendered the year 2015 very important for Mustang. He feels quite confident about the car’s prospects and feels that the year will belong to the new car.

The new Mustang is a blend of coupe and sports, which is a fashionable combination of affordable convenience and style.

Others have termed it the renaissance of Mustang and feel that it will give the crème de la crème some real competition next year.

When designing the Mustang, Ford (NYSE:F) paid real attention to fuel economy as well as global sales strategy. It is the first ever design if a Mustang that has been designed to ensure enhanced global sales. It is expected to unveil in 140 countries.

What makes Mustang a dream car is its raw look, sheer power and style that comes with it. It dominates so effortlessly that drivers pride it as their prized possession. The new Mustang will host a 2.3L quad-cylinder EcoBoost engine. This will have the ability to produce 310 horsepower and generate EPA test rate of 32 m.p.g.

This is enhanced power, with fuel economy which make it take the lead ahead of the six-cylinder engines.

The vehicle will also feature radar-based cruise control that has the ability to either accelerate or break according to the traffic pace.

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