Vocera Reports Solid First Quarter


Last week, Vocera Communications reported relatively solid first quarter 2014 results, with a number of highlights:  The company topped both the high end of management’s sales guidance and the consensus sales forecast; it also topped adjusted EBITDA targets.  Deferred revenue grew by nearly 17% year-over-year and the company reported a 98% maintenance renewal rate.  Management reiterated its 2014 guidance across the board.  The company’s net-cash balance registered at more than $120 million.  

Management announced several interesting new-business opportunities, including two pilots of Vocera’s solutions at a large, international hotel chain.  It detailed a recent study from an Army hospital showing a 12-month payback period for the Vocera solution, which management believes will help drive growth in the company’s government segment (15% of first quarter 2014 sales).  

It highlighted the recent expansion of its product offerings, including the Vocera Care Experience suite (care transitions, discharge management, etc.) and Vocera Collaboration suite (the addition of secured text messaging, smartphone integration, and other solutions to the core communications software and Vocera badge offering).  It continued integrating the recently acquire mVisum acquisition (alarm management) and expects to begin offering the solution later this year.

Despite these positives, however, the company indicated that a tough end-market continues to affect business opportunities, leading to weaker-than-anticipated firstquarter bookings; as a result, management expects second-quarter sales of between $24 million and $25 million, versus the $27.5 million consensus estimate heading into the quarter. This, in tandem with the reiteration of full-year guidance, caused investors to question the second-half ramp-up associated with management’s projections and, in turn, caused the stock to sell off markedly. 

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