Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:APPL) Leading the Market with its Strategies


Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) has re-evaluated its approach as to how it wants to deals with the present competition in the smartphone industry.  These modern strategies were disclosed by the technology giants via billboards two days before. More than 20 various states were aimed using images of 77 users of iPhone around the world.

The areas affected through this worldwide marketing strategy, also known as “shot on iPhone 6” included Halong Bay, Dubai, the Cairngorms in Scotland and Pamplona. On the same day of this launch, Samsung Electronics (KRX:005930) Galaxy S6 was initiated, and the company had to witness Apple Inc.’s (NASDAQ:AAPL) marketing plans which eclipsed the unraveling of its phone.

iPhone 6’s camera quality was portrayed by the scheduled timing of declaration and regional emplacement of Apple Inc.’s (NASDAQ:APL) posters and advertisements. The portrayals made and pictures taken at various regions across the world were displayed and arranged on the billboards.

The disclosure of iOS applications that were being used to take the snapshot were described by the text over the pictures framed, along with description of the photograph itself. The images exhibited were captured via Instagram, Snap seed, iOS Camera application, Filterstorm Neue and VSCO cam which are available on the iOS app store and can be downloaded undoubtedly.

Taking into notice the vigorous and dynamic act of inauguration, this can be interpreted as one of the many Apple Inc.’s (NASDAQ:APPL) best tricks in the market up till today. The technical giant appointed 77 photographers using their iPhones will capture photographs from more than 70 cities of above 24 countries that will be displayed without any break.

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:APPL) has started showing the potential that it has and the challenges it can take boldly, as many tech experts were starting to bend towards Samsung Electronics (KRX:005930) latest product, S6 for improved features and superior designs. Although, the back camera of iPhone 6 which is 8 mega pixels does not match the quality of that of S5 or S6 or other phones such as Nokia’s lumia range.

Furthermore, it has gained success in other major specifications like autofocus and the best results it gives for low light photography. Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:APPL) is ready to face new challenging tasks and is vigilant enough to undertake them in the best way possible. It has even prepared itself to act against the surfacing news that declares that the iPhone’s camera is incapable of providing a digital camera effect.

With the improvement in mobile technologies and so the cameras, most of the people have started trusting and concentrating on their phone devices more and have started leaving their DSLR’s behind. Improving and mending the defected and faulty image by editing has become one of the mandatory features. The App Store of Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:APPL) has abundant premium as well as free photo editing applications set to give our each click a perfect look.

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:APPL) in its App store provides its users a separate display page to show emphasized hoard of editing and other photography applications to add up as a donation in the struggle.

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