Apple(NASDAQ:AAPL) – IBM(NASDAQ:IBM) Collaboration Is Set To Rock the Industry


An agreement was signed between Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) and International Business Machines Corp. (NASDAQ:IBM) in July last year. Since then, the two companies have maintained a consistent collaboration on making enterprise-friendly apps. The mobile applications are developed by the combined efforts of both companies. Meanwhile, IBM Corp. (NASDAQ:IBM) supports the hardware made by Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) and sells it as well.

This partnership has yielded 22 applications to date; 10 were launched back in December, a few were launched in March and last week, 8 more apps were launched. The latest apps were related to enterprise and healthcare. Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) signed this agreement with IBM Corp. (NASDAQ:IBM) for the sake of taking steps in advancement and proliferation of cloud computing among the business users. The strategy of the two companies was to produce about 100 apps by the end of 2015 at the time the agreement was formulated.

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) is attempting to enter into the corporate sector by proliferating its mobile devices for business purposes. IBM Corp. (NASDAQ:IBM) was the company that would help the iPhone maker achieve its purpose. This partnership is based on mutual benefits. While Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) can easily infiltrate the corporate sector with the help of IBM Corp. (NASDAQ:IBM), IBM Corp. (NASDAQ:IBM) will be exposed to a lot of resources relevant to mobile cloud.

These resources include mobile integration, analytics, device management and security. This partnership combines the expertise of two well-established companies and gives them the capability to easily tackle the giants in the competition like Dell, Oracle and Hewlett-Packard. One of the newest app is called “Hospital RN”. By using pagers and phones, this app aims at freeing the nurses. The nurses can connect to the records of the patients from any hospital location.

The caregivers stationed in homes of the patients can access the state services as well. The users of this application can share information in the form of text, photos, videos etc.The two companies have made an app called the “Ancillary Sale”. It is a travel-friendly app which is made exclusively for the iPhone. This app will allow the flight attendants to upgrade or register seats, user mobile payment methods like the Apple Pay and perform transaction of food and beverages.

All the information fed into the app will be stored so that it can be used by the users at whim. Risk Inspect is an iPad app also made by the partnership. Insurance appraisers can take pictures and videos in order to perform thorough examinations. The data can be linked to the analytical reports which will then provide suggestions and recommendations on the potential risk factors. Order Commit is another application for the iPad platform.

The retail owners will be able to access metrics and business analytics. The analytical efficiency of IBM has been used heavily to constitute the performance of the apps. The merchants will be able to respond strategically for business benefits.

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