There Is Heavy Insider Trading Going On In Twitter Inc. (NYSE:TWTR)


For the last two months, Twitter Inc. (NYSE:TWTR) has been witnessing heavy insider trading. The top executives of the company are involved in this activity.  According to an estimate, around 1.2 million shares were sold during the time period of December 1, 2014 to December 23, 2014. The total worth of these shares was recorded to be at $44.9 million, bringing the average price to $37.99 per share.  Barron’s recently released a report that showed that the former CEO of the company together with other 7 insiders sold their shares.

The former chief executive of Twitter Inc. (NYSE:TWTR), who was also the co-founder of the company, Evan Williams, sold his shares that were worth around $27.9 million. After this insider trading, Evans still has around 54.1 million shares of the company, which makes him a majority shareholder with 8.52 percent shares.

It is important to mention here that Evans is the only individual who has such a high number of stocks with him.  According to another estimates, Williams, during the month of November, sold around 719,200 shares for a total of $28.7 million. That transaction brought the average price of each share to $39.95. Evan Williams was also the director of the company from May 2007 onwards.

At present, Williams is the chief executive of an online publishing company, Medium. He is also the CEO of a technological innovation company, The Obvious Corp.

But wait, that is not it. The current chief executive of Twitter Inc. (NYSE:TWTR) also sold his stocks. The total shares that were sold recoded to be at 283,460 for a total price of $11 million. The current holdings of Richard Costolo are at 545,856 shares.  According to an estimate, the chief executive of Twitter, on November 17, sold shares worth a total of $5.8 million. The average price of that transaction was recorded to be at $41.10. Richard Costolo is the CEO of the company since the year 2010.

The General Counsel of the company, Vijaya Gadde, sold some 27,114 shares for a total of $1.07 million. The regulatory filings showed that Vijaya Gadde sold 17,659 shares in order to pay for her taxes. The Vice president of the Product segment, Kevin Weil, also sold some shares for a total of $216,842.

The stocks of Twitter Inc. (NYSE:TWTR) have been running low due to the concerns about its user base and future prospects.  The stocks are down by 40 percent on yearly basis. The senior analyst of Nuveen Asset Management, Mark Hesse-Withbroe, who is also the Vice President of the research firm, is still of the opinion that Twitter can turn the situation around.

Coming to the current stock prices of Twitter Inc. (NYSE:TWTR), the company, on the last trading day of December 30, 2014, started its stocks at a price of $36.02 and closed at a reduced price of $35.86, after hitting the highest price of $36.24. The company has a total market capitalization of $23.25 billion.

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