Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) Sells More Iphones But Less Ipads


Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) is up in the early morning of trading due to expectations from traders of its future.

Apple has increase iPhone sales during the last three months, but sales of its iPad tablet range continues erosion, according to a statement released Tuesday, July 22.

Between early April and late June – is the third quarter – the Apple brand has sold iPhone 35.2 million (+ 12.7% in one year). It is at the top of the guidance range provided by financial analysts, who estimated 31 to 36 million copies. Apple’s recent partnership with telecom operator China Mobile, the largest operator in the world, ensures a particularly important market for the iPhone in China.

Conversely, sales of the iPad, fell by 9.2% in one year, 13.27 million units. Investors and analysts expected a less pronounced decline to 14.3 million units.

Compared to the first three months of the year, iPhone sales fell 19.5%, and 19% of iPad.

Although Apple is on a decline where they’re selling outdated iPhone and iPad models with similar revisions, many products like the new iPhone with a big screen and the iWatch could prove to be a game changer if the market is receptive.  With their track record it’s not surprising if they can pull off a stunt like this.


In total, sales of Apple amounted to $ 37.4 billion, up 6%, but it is lower than the average expectations of analysts who had forecast 37.99 billion dollars.

The forecast for the current quarter is also disappointing: Apple plans between 37 and 40 billion in sales when the market hoped so far averaged $ 40.4 billion.

Apple from Cupertino, California announced big quarterly net profit: +11.6% to 7.7 billion dollars. Earnings per share, which refers to the United States stood at $ 1.28, against $ 1.23  expected.

Analysts consider cash heavy Apple to be a secure investment, expecting Apple to top $100 in the coming months.  They may no longer be the darling of Sillicon Valley, but they still prove to be a threat with their constant innovating and distribution outlet.

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