Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:APPL) has what it takes to survive scandals


Apples Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) shares continued to rise on Tuesday as hype over their September 9 ‘event’ overlooked a series of headlines that would have otherwise hampered a lesser company’s’ performance on the stock exchange. When it comes to execution, true we tend to overlook Apples Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)’s faults big or small but reputed to evade blame, the performance last week has truly shocked many.

iTunes crashed; being a popular software these things happen, right? But for six hours! No worries, lets ignore the crash and move on to China Mobile (NYSE:CHL) who has been pre-selling the iPhone 6 in two different sizes! Talk about stealing the show, but let’s put this on the back burner even. The iCloud getting hacked and viewers being flooded with extremely personal celebrity clicks and how does Apples Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) react to all this? Exactly how a typical Silicon Valley company should with a distorted reality perception! Of course they fixed the simple glitch which allowed hackers to try passwords endlessly without getting the access blocked. However the company completely denied responsibility and expressed outrage over these attacks.

Apples Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) put in a good 2 days of investigation into the glitch because they value their customers security and privacy. Yes, sadly ONLY Apples Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) can get away with saying that it is vulnerable to such basic password hacking imaginable and act with exasperation too!

Developers of HealthKit were told to keep their data out of iCloud. But wait! Wasn’t the iCloud without any problems with the hacking glitch already fixed? Yes of course, let me bid higher on Apples Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) stocks. The shares have experienced a 9% increase since the 7th of August.

Those of you feeling skeptical enough not to bid on Apples Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) should know that Apples Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) is surely not alone. Tesla Motors Inc. (NASDAQ:TSLA) and Facebook Inc. (NASDAQ:FB) reached new highs on their stock all because of the news such as upgrades at Tesla Motors Inc. (NASDAQ:TSLA) which accounted for a 5% increase. As far as Facebook Inc. (NASDAQ:FB) goes; the stock pretty much increased without any major news being released.

No matter what the news says many are guilty of following the trend and owning all three stocks. Reason being very simple: MOMENTUM. You cannot remain skeptical plus long and also wish for balance. Why do trendy names do well on days where the market is literally at a standstill? Mike Santoli from Yahoo says Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) stocks are up 38% since 23rd April. Earning forecast is up only by 3% but people see a tangible product.

For other popular stocks Santoli comments that it’s probably because at the end of every rally, a few popular stocks become the focus of many. Not that it’s the wisest move on the stock market; however it can be pretty lucrative to be long in a blowoff. Never change the view you hold of a company depending on the share price. It’s always a momentum game when you go for stocks that have rallied almost 20% or more, but remember to always have a plan B. It’s always good to experiment but have something in the bag if your experiment fails.

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) finally felt the impact of its iCloud hacking on Wednesday when the stock dipped by 4%. It will be interesting to know how long will this downward trend continue.

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