Google Inc (NADSAQ:GOOGL) To Launch Its Biggest Android Software Soon


Do you know that the design of your Android phone will be completely changed in a matter of a couple of months?

Yes, Google Inc (NADSAQ:GOOG), together with its carriers and partners, is planning on launching the biggest update of its Android very soon. The update will be known as 5.0 Lollipop. The company will integrate material design with the software so as to make the phone not only look different but also feel different.

The company is planning on integrating material design to all its software. Google Inc (NADSAQ:GOOG), during the launch of its Nexus device, gave the implication that the new Android will soon be everywhere, from our smart watches to our phones and TV.

Google Inc (NADSAQ:GOOG) was in a process of developing Lollipop 5.0 for many years. The company has launched this software on a limited number of devices yet. According to Hiroshi Lockgeimer, the Vice President of Engineering at Google, the new software will be a completely different experience that the users will feel. She further said that it will be more dynamic in nature than the previous software released by the company

According to Hiroshi, the company had to change its runtime for the development of Lollipop. But the positive point is that the new run time is not only much smoother but it also handles scheduled tasks much better. The users will not have to experience the shutters that they do right now. The new software will run on 64 bit processors.

Google wanted to focus on the user interface area for quite some time. Now that the software is finally ready, it can ripe the fruits of its years long hard work. The company saw a change of leadership while it was in the process of making Lollipop; market researchers are of the opinion that by completing the task, not only has the company shown that its projects can run smoothly even when the company is undergoing managerial changes but it has also strengthened its solid position in the market.

Google acquired Android back in 2006 when it consisted of just a team of 20 people. The team has become much bigger now. After the acquisition by Google, not only has Android 4.4 been released in the market but several of its updates have also been made available.

Right now, the rival companies that Google’s Android can face competition with are Motorola, HTC and Samsung.

An important feature of Lollipop 5.0 will be the face unlock. Where this feature is also available in the current versions, it takes a lot of time to process the image. Moreover, you need to align the camera with your body in order to get a reasonable picture for the unlocking. However, in Lollipop 5.0, the camera will start looking and adjusting for your face even before you fix the effects and lighting, thus making the process very much efficient.

Google Inc (NADSAQ:GOOG) has a total market capitalization of $367 billion and an EPS of $19

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