Google Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOGL) Clarifies Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT)’s Ambiguities


Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) and Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) are going head to head with their marketing promotions because of the technology battles going on between the two tech giants. Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) has claimed that in the past 18 months, around 785 customers switched from Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) Apps to Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) Office 365. This claim was made at the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference; however the full list was not shown.

Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) finally made a comeback by having its spokespeople send out a message telling the audience that over 5,000 companies each day sign up for Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) Apps which include thousands that shift from Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT).

The next measure that Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) took was providing solid data from Cloud Solutions Technologies; one of its resellers. It pointed out that out of around 12M customers of Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) Apps in around 20+ countries, nearly 48% switched from Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) Exchange.

As if this weren’t enough, Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) looked into the companies that Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) showcased in its presentation at the event and clarified the situation.

Here is what Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL) had to say about the claimed switches.

City of Edmonton: The CIO of The City of Edmonton recently reported that they are sticking to Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) Apps after an analysis by Deloitte and IBM (NYSE:IBM).

Arysta Lifescience: This Postini customer did a few app trials but never really signed up as a customer.

University of Colorado Health: This teaching hospital never signed up for apps. It had a few provisioned accounts but never really paid for apps.

Smithfield: This Company is still signed up for Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) Apps and have just renewed this March for further services.

Guardian Insurance: This Company is not renewing in March and instead is moving to Office 365 and aims to replace brokers’ apps in a year’s time.

Anhanguera Educacional: After being acquired, this previous apps customer had to move to Office 365 which was standardized on Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) which offered free services and licenses to its acquirer, Kroton Educational (OTCMKTS: KROTF).

Dixons: This company never signed up to be an apps customer so there’s basically no point of it to switch.

Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) ended its declaration with a criticism that slides may be deceptive and that Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) is misleading the market.

While clarifying this, Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) really spun the story around instead of admitting its mistake. It said that it is a fast paced company with potential customers. It stated that the companies that it highlighted in its slide at the conference are at different periods of deployment and comprise of various productivity environments. It continued by saying that the logos did not show pure wins by the company but was partial accomplishments. Keeping into account public records, these 785 customers shifted at least some email solutions from Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL).

Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) was correct in its own way but Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) does have a point that grey spots exist and not everything can be simplified into one category or the other pointing towards the data mentioned in the slides. However, Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) does get points for clarifying misconceptions.

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