Sony (NYSE:SNE) PS4 and Microsoft (NYSE:MSFT) Xbox sales are increasing but the console industry shrinks


Sony (NYSE:SNE) a few days ago announced that it made sales of 6million playstation4 consoles and so did the Microsoft (NYSE:MSFT) next generation Xbox1. Both consoles were released around the same time in late November last year and both companies have been shouting loudly about who is beating who in capturing the key markets specially the US market. For now Sony (NYSE:SNE) PS4 appears to be edging out Xbox1.

However in reality neither of these next generation flagship consoles are being sold very well as compared to the previous generation of consoles. The console market is shrinking very significantly leaving a huge impact on the gaming industry. Compared to the 10 million units of PS 4 sold in 2013 and 5 million Xboxes sold the industry is shrinking at a very fast rate. According to a new report from marketing research firm NPD the next generation consoles will be purchased by only 29% of the core gamers as those who spend more than 5 hours playing games and like to have a variety of genres.

The report showed that 2013 was the end of console dominance of video games. According to the report the video game sales have already declined by 10%. The report suggests that the growth is happening but is very sluggish and might not be able to sustain in the long run and eventually moving towards decline. The numbers clearly show a decline in the trend of gaming industry.

According to Sony (NYSE:SNE) Computer Entertainment PlayStation Division the next generation of gaming platform has to change to bring a positive trend in the gaming industry. The stakes are equally high for Microsoft (NYSE:MSFT) as well. Price and costs according to some analysts is a vital factor in success of gaming industry so far. According to them the prices of consoles are likely to increase if their demand decreases as foreseen in the near future.

2013 appears to be a rough sales year for the console gaming leading to the end of console dominance gaming. The decline in the console gaming can however also be attributed to the collapse of Nintendo and the irreversible migration of its users to phones and tablets. Even the games with big tickers have also ended up in disappointment Bungie’s Destiny that was in the making for six years came out and didn’t feel like a complete game; Assassin’s creed latest parts appear to have fewer features than the previous part, Call of Duty Ghosts also remained low. Battlefield 4 which left COD Ghosts behind in graphics also forced its players to face problem of errors and dysfunctions for months.

A few games that created some impact are Wolfenstien; the new order, Call of Duty advanced warfare, Titan fall, The evil within, Alien; isolation, Outlast, Destiny, Metal Gear Solid V, Project Spark and Thief. According to a report from the analyst Juniper the ninth generation of game consoles will arrive around 2019 given that the console lifecycle doesn’t change completely.

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